31 sierpnia 2023

Interior brought to life with technology: Our fascinating journey to China and cooperation with HKHR ChineseWallpen

In a world where technology plays increasing role in our lives, new innovation conquer people’s hearts and spaces all over the globe.

Drukarka ścienna - wallsprinter.com

In a world where technology plays increasing role in our lives, new innovation conquer people’s hearts and spaces all over the globe. Just for this reason we wanted to learn more about vertical wall printing and fully understand its potential what directed our attention to China, to HKHR ChineseWallpen head quoters.

Our journey was not only fascinating but, most of all, educational. By the moment we crossed the manufacture’s doorstep we felt a wave of inspiration and possibilities which are standing behind vertical wall printing technology. It’s there under careful eyes of experts and amongst advanced machinery, where we discovered secretes to process behind our printers.

Knowledge acquired by us during our visit had proven itself to be treasure. Not only we explored advantages and possibilities of vertical printing, bu also we have had an opportunity to share our own ideas and improvements with the manufacturer. Our experience within the Polish market allowed us to see the potential to be developed and adjected to our clients.

Additional value to our visit in China was understanding of the importance of our cooperation with HKHR ChineseWallpen. Mutual exchange of knowledge and experience had opened doors for new perspectives and inspired us to create even better solutions for our clients.

What we had understood is that vertical printing is more than simply a technology. It is a possibility to express ourselves, creating unique designs and bringing interiors to life. It is a technology which might become a tool in hands of design, advertisement and art enthusiasts.

Our journey to China was the beginning of a new stage for our mission. The mission which is based on sharing our knowledge, experience and inspiration with our clients. Thanks to our cooperation with HKHR ChineseWallpen we are able to deliver to You products which are a result of passion, engagement and discovering new technological horizons.

New projects, new opportunities and even greater creativity await us. We invite you to follow our activities, because together with you we want to continue to create spaces that enliven interiors and inspire imagination.

Together we create a new reality – the reality of vertical printing.

With passion and commitment,
WallsPrinter Poland team

Colour your walls
and bring them to life!

The printer is exquisitely quiet and clean. It prints even smallest details in great resolution.

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